- Listen to your music from anywhere – all you need is a browser.
- The clean web interface is optimized for constrained bandwidth environments and efficient browsing through large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes).
- Free-text search helps you find your favorite tracks quickly.
- Displays cover art, including images embedded in ID3 tags.
- Assign ratings and comments to albums.
- Common playlist features (add, remove, rearrange, repeat, shuffle, undo, save, load).
- Stream or download music directly to your phone. Apps available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone
- Use the AIR desktop application, SubAir.
- Control Subsonic from any mobile phone or PDA, using the WAP interface.
- Supports multiple simultaneous players. Manage any player from any location.
- Upload and download files to/from Subsonic, with automatic zipping and unzipping.

- Supports MP3, OGG, AAC and any other audio or video format that streams over HTTP.
- Transcoding engine allows for streaming of a variety of lossy and lossless formats by converting to MP3 on-the-fly.
- Works with any network-enabled media player, such as Winamp, iTunes, XMMS, VLC, MusicMatch and Windows Media Player. Also includes an embedded Flash player.
- Tag parsing and editing of MP3, AAC, OGG, FLAC, WMA and APE files, using the Jaudiotagger library.
- Playlists can be saved and restored. M3U, PLS and XSPF formats are supported. Saved playlists are available as Podcasts.
- On-the-fly resampling to lower bitrates using the high-quality LAME encoder. Handy if your bandwidth is limited.
- Implements the SHOUTcast protocol. Players which support this (including Winamp, iTunes and XMMS) display the current artist and song, along with other metadata.
- Available in these languages:
1ceb English (by Sindre Mehus) French (by JohnDillinger) Spanish (by Jorge Bueno Magdalena) Portuguese (by Miguel Fonseca) German (by Harald Weiss and Jörg Frommann) Italian (by Michele Petrecca) Greek (by Constantine Samaklis) Russian (by Iaroslav Andrusiak) Slovenian (by Andrej Žižmond, Jan Jamsek and Marko Kastelic) Macedonian (by Stefan Ivanovski) Polish (by Michał Kotas) Bulgarian (by Ivan Achev) Chinese (by Neil Gao) Japanese (by Takahiro Suzuki) Korean (by Choi Jong-seok) Dutch (by Ronald Knot) Norwegian (by Sindre Mehus and jigsaw) Swedish (by Jörgen Sjöberg) Danish (by Morten Hartvich) Finnish (by Reijo Jäärni) Icelandic (by DJ Danny) - Select from 24 different themes, including some that are optimized for HD screens.
- Highly configurable user interface.

- Automatically register what you're playing on Last.fm, using the built-in Audioscrobbling support.
- Find cover art and lyrics using web services from Google and Chartlyrics.
- Read album reviews and more at Wikipedia, Google Music and allmusic.
- Users must log in with a username and password. Users are assigned different privileges.
- Specify upload and download bandwidth limits.
- Use HTTPS/SSL encryption for ultimate protection.
- Supports authentication in LDAP and Active Directory.
- Runs for months without crashing, hanging or leaking resources.

- Download Podcasts with the integrated Podcast receiver.
- Manage your internet TV and radio stations.
- Play your media on compatible DLNA/UPnP devices.
- Play music directly on the server's audio hardware using the jukebox mode.
Download Subsonic
Free download available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Unix.
... or try the demo first!
Subsonic Mobile

Stream music to Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and more.

All your music - anywhere, anytime! Never sync again.
Get involved!
Help the project by translating Subsonic to new languages, or improving existing translations. Interested? Please read this.
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